Monday, February 06, 2006

It's Better to be Over the Hill than Under It..

What a great statement on growing older - The hill is a funny analogy that we seem to use for life in general. Basically it's good to be alive - seems to work for me. My boss (Supervisor) turned 50 today - now when I was 10 - 50 seemed like a lifetime away, but now that I'll be 35 in a few months it hardly seems old at all.

I think as a child your "hill" is very steep and may peak at 13 when you become "a Teenager" and when you're a teenager, 19 is the milestone, you'll become "Legal". It depends where you live, but if it is anywhere near a US Boarder at 19 you start looking forward to 21 so you'll be able to drink in the states. After 21 you'll wrestle with jobs, Education and relationships - and by 30 you could have a career, a degree and a Wife - seems like we're still climbing a "hill" - then comes kids (Who help to drag you up that hill again) and furthering your career, but it all seems to keep getting better - by now that steep hill that the 10 year old saw turned into a very long slope with a gentle incline. It's all downhill from here? or is it -when does this crazy hill peak? there always seems to be some challenge to conquer - maybe it's retirement or seeing your grandkids be born- or taking a trip around the world - "The Hill" seems less to do with your age and more to do with your perspective, as long as you can see a peak, have you ever reached the Top? or does it only seem like you're going downhill because you're looking backwards?

Here's to many days in the sun on top of that hill - whatever you see it to be.

Happy Birthday John.

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