Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Dark as the Inside of a Horse...

I like this expression - very descriptive and timely as I've been as Stan Rogers would say on "Night Guard" as my dearest little girl is a Night Owl - In truth she just has her days and Nights a bit mixed up, but I've got alot of room for her and I've started to enjoy late night TV (Thinking about investing in a Sauna Belt) - I have managed to catch up on "Dead Like Me" and catch a few sweet episodes of the Simpsons - while perfecting my Indiana Jones Moves (That's how you have to put a sleeping Baby into her Crib so as to not disturb her) and avoid the booby traps.

Fatherhood is Fantastic - I'm tired all the time, I'm busy as hell and I can't keep a thought in my head - But I do have two fantastic ladies that I get to come home to nightly, so I'd say I'm ahead of the game.

but I digress - so how does one get a good look at the inside of a horse? use your imagination...


awareness said...

Hey Mad Mac..........maybe Baby Mac has it right. Maybe the whole world should join her and become nocturnal? Cause sometimes, the TV shows are more interesting in the dead of night....the infomercials definately are.

Don't forget........we're just down the road, and we'd love to give you two a reprieve any time.

Anonymous said...

Was looking for a new blog. You should tape your favorite daytime shows aned watch them at night. I watched my little girl sing at her great grandmother's funeral today. I shed a tear or two, there. Little girls are special. They don't ever have to leave home. Hope you string a thought or two together tomorrow. I'll see you then! pS..i've heard the saying before... John O