Sunday, June 18, 2006

Attention Span of a Gnat...

I have been very fortunate in my life to have so many father figures - Malcolm first of all, who taught me many lessons about life through seemingly odd expressions - so that a kid with the "Attention Span of a Gnat" would be able to store them away and call on them when needed - Genius!!! There was also my namesake grandfathers (Thomas and Lee), My Uncles (Jim, Mike, Mike, Jim, Kevin, Tim, John, Bev, Donnie, Gerry,Tommy, John), Nicki's Dad Rick, there was also all of my Parents Friends (Peter Pacey most comes to mind) and last but not least my friends who have become fathers ("Now that's Parenting" - Jackman) They have all taught me very different, yet all important lessons - sometimes they didn't know They were teaching, sometimes I didn't know I was learning - but in the end it has shaped me into the Father I am and hope to be for Sophie - So many thanks - Happy Father's Day

I re-watched "O Brother Where art Thou" last week and I heard this Siren song "Go to Sleep Little Baby" - Which put the heros into a deep sleep - I've been humming it in my head ever since, hoping some of it rubs off on Sophie I guess (She hasn't been sleeping all that well) a bedtime plea to my wonderful daughter on my first Father's Day. Although I can imagine that Malcolm uttered such words at me and my Sis many years ago - he told me that I cried everytime I saw him for the first three years of my life - Mama's Boy I guess.

It's been quite a weekend - Saturday was the re-vitalized Rebel 7's Rugby Tourney - which both the Loyalist Men and Women Won (The men actually played the other Loyalist Team in the final) Then Jenn came to town with Baz. He's at least twice as big as he was last time we saw him - which isn't saying much, I think he weighs 4 lbs. We hung out and tried to somehow con Sophie into falling asleep, she finally called it a night at12:50am - as did I - Funny how that works out.

So today is father's day and we are having the whole crew over for a BBQ - we've got tons of good eats and it should be a great afternoon. Hopefully Sophie sleeps again sometime soon and keeps an entire meal down for a change.

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