Friday, February 03, 2006

20 for 10...

My dad is not your average guy and this expression, almost more than any other, demonstrates this. He has a larger than life attitude- that's what makes this expression so funny, It was conceived as a drink special at the Riverview Arms - which might be equivalent to a Fredericton Atlantis, the elders speak of it, there are many legendary tales that have been reported to have transpired there, and yet all the world sees now is a bunch of really nice oversized houses.

I guess they used to have an special there when you bought a draught, you'd get one free - now your average bear would refer to this as a "2 for 1 deal" not Malcolm - that's a 20 for 10...

It's been a rough week - here's to friends and making it to the weekend, 20 for 10 here I come...

1 comment:

awareness said...

I loved the Arms and miss it! When I first moved to Freddy town, it became a welcoming haunt. I still have my t-shirt from the last night blow out!

20 for bet!