Friday, March 23, 2007

The Free State of Munchkinland...

Sophie is 1 year old today - that is so crazy - seems like only yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital - here is a recap of some of my favorite Sophie moments of the past year.

Best Sophie Moments -
-when Nic introduced her to everybody in the delivery room
-Her first Step
-Her first Laugh
-The Jolly Jumper
-First time I got to hold her
-Falling Asleep on my chest
-Going swimming
-Her Smile
-Everyday when her and Nic greet me with huge smiles

Most Challenging Moments -
-when she didn't sleep for 6 weeks
-giving her the Red Medicine

It's been a crazy awesome year - Happy Birthday Teeny Tiny Wonderful

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Wearing of The Green...

This is Sophs and me yesterday, we had a good time - Sophie visited with Grammie Lou and Poppie while Nic and I hit the Rogue for Lunch - First Time I had deep fried food in 75 days and now I remember why I stopped eating it - We're on the Birthday Countdown clock as well - Sophie turns 1 on Friday - what a year it has been, but that's another blog...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday Night Lights...

It's been awhile since I posted, not because, my life is boring, but simply for the fact that there don't seem to be enough hours in the day, and when something has to give, it tends to be my writing, so here is a quick post - we're in the middle of the St. Paddy's day Storm, two weeks early - Aaen and Robyn we're supposed to be sitting in the sun in Phoenix, but they got postponed until Sunday - so we're having them over for a long overdue night at FA - we'll celebrate O's B-day and re-gift him his X-Mas presents - we'll also get into a big bottle of Yellow Label that we got for Christmas from O and R.

Sophie is great, she took her first Step, she now has 8 teeth and will be 1 year old in 21 days - crazy how time flies when you don't sleep through the night. The weight Loss is progressing - so far I've dropped 25 lbs. - I'm only 9/10 of the Scott I was on New Year's Day - which is cool.

Other than that we're doing great and are in eager anticipation of Spring.