Monday, June 18, 2007

The BFG…

So yesterday was Father’s day – we had a great time, all the fathers (Malcolm and Rick) came over, we had a BBQ, Sophie entertained and we watched the US Open – it all seemed very “fatherly” – I received a new Iron from my girl (with financial help from mommy) and a Shirt and a Book from my Mom.

The Book was the BFG – and contrary to anyone out there trying to figure this out as a Malcolmism – The F stands for Friendly. The book is the story of a little orphan girl named Sophie and her adventures with the BFG – that’s as far as I’ve read (it was actually on the back of the book) – but it did get me thinking about Giants. There are giants walking among us, or at least there would be if you were two feet tall – and say someone about 3 times your size was in your life everyday they’d be a giant. Look at it this way If I saw someone walking down the street that was 3 times as tall as I was (17 feet tall) and weighed 10 times as much as I did (1850 lbs) I would think that this person was a giant – and I’d be right – I’d also pay close attention to what they did – and I’m sure I’d appreciate it if they picked me up and walked me around and answered my questions (things are different up there afterall) while I pointed out things and asked all sorts of questions about how everything works.

So we are all giants and its up to us to take care of the little people – it’s a very Fatherly (and Motherly) thing to do…

Here are some suggestions for Giants to help them show the little people in their lives how much they care. (I took this from a poster in my office)

Notice them
Smile a lot
Look in their eyes when you talk to them
Giggle together
Set Boundaries that keep them safe
Be Honest
Be Yourself
Be Happy
Unwind together
Let Them Solve most of their own problems
Play with Them
Share their excitement
Tell them how terrific they are
Make yourself available
Catch them doing something right
Ask them to help you
Wave and Say “hi” when you walk by them
Respect Them
Be silly together
Trust Them
Encourage them to help others
Expect their Best, not perfection
Tell them stories in which they are the hero
Love them No Matter what

So thanks Dad for being a constant Giant in my life for my entire life and Thank you Sophie for a great father’s day – it’s my honour and pleasure to be you own personal BFG, but you can call me Dad…

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Week That Was...

I realise that I have been getting slack on my blogging lately and I apologise - just haven't been all that inspired to write - I've got a post in my brain, that is slowly working itsellf to the top and I've had a couple of conversations with Malcolm that have given me some expressions, but I digress and will start slowly with a review of the past week.

Last Saturday - a good place to start - The Family went to the market again and saw all kinds of wonderful people - then the Black Spruce beat the Keltics 24-15 and we had a BBQ at O and Robyn's.
On Sunday My Cousin Jenn and her Husband Keith Baptised their daughter - My other Cousin Jamie (Jenn's Brother) and his wife Danielle had the honour of being the God -Parents. This week has been like many of the past weeks - Sophie is doing well at the daycare (she's learned to blow kisses) - Nic and I are still hitting the gym three lunch hours a week and yesterday we ran the "little bridges".

We are planning another great Fredericton Saturday today and Look forward to watching the Canada vs. NZ game later tonight on the score. I also find it odd that Sophie has more All Black Gear than she does Rugby Canada Stuff - we'll have to do something about that.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

A Day On The Beach...

Yesterday was a beautiful Sunny, Warm Freddy Beach Saturday and we enjoyed it in typical Freddy Beach Style. First Stop was the market, where we met up with some of our favorite people.

Sophie enjoyed Freshly Squeezed OJ from Dalton's - and everybody enjoyed Sophie. We then headed to the northside to check in on New Parents Valerie and Malcolm Reeves and thier lovely little girl Robyn Lily Reeves - they are all doing great - It wasn't that long ago that Sophie was that small - amazing.

We then headed to one of our favorite Fredericton locales - The Superstore to get some water so we could enjoy Wilmot Park.
Sophie Loved the park and soon she'll be big enough to play on all that stuff by herself, which is bad news bears for me, I also enjoy all that equipement. We ended our day with a BBQ and lounging on the couch - an almost perfect end to an almost perfect day, but what else would you expect when you live in a place called Freddy Beach...