Tuesday, October 10, 2006

If you don’t Like Martinis, Try Anchovies…

I was thinking the other day how much harder it is to be something than it is to be nothing, which seems like a deep thought – I think the really hard part is figuring out what it actually is that you want to be, and have the conviction, courage and self-belief to actually do it. “People don’t do what they believe in, they do what’s most convenient then they repent” – Bob Dylan mused on this in Brownville Girl – It always strikes a chord with me and pops into my mind when people complain about their situations. Things can almost always get worse, so worse in fact that you’d gladly go back to situation that you had complained about, considering where you are now.

For instance Gas dropped to $0.88 this past week and people were all so very happy – I remember last year when people would have been outraged to pay $0.88 – that was before we paid $1.25 a litre – now we’d gladly pay anything under a dollar – it doesn’t take that long to appreciate things when they hit you in the pocket book.

I think (or at least I hope) that everybody eventually would like to be something (maybe something more), or at least recognize and appreciate the things they already are.

The reason that this comes on the heels of Thanksgiving is not co-incidental, I was reflecting on this very thought through the chaos that is Thanksgiving Dinner – The whole world seems very crazy at the moment – Nuclear Testing in Korea, Amish Shootings, and the Fact that Canada is at WAR in Afghanistan – I was simply sitting there appreciating the chaos, surrounded by loved ones and great food - enjoying some loud time together.

I’m thankful for all of it- Nicki, Sophie, My Parents, Sisters, Brothers, my family, my friends, Max and Simon, Rugby, Red Wine, cold Coors Light, my job, X Box, Hot Turkey Sandwiches, warm fall days, Snowy Winter nights, grand parents, long hugs, all those people that have touched my life, Aches and Pains, the places I’ve been, the amazing things I’ve seen, My Physio, all my scars, my teachers, Chicken-a-la-King, the Mini Rugby Kids, raking leaves, Vacation, Waterfalls, Rare Steak, Wings at the Rogue, Mowing the Lawn etc… I could go on and on – but these are the things that came to my mind the quickest. I'm thankful for the good and the bad - because that's why I'm who I am, where I am - so being a goal oriented forward looking person, it was nice to be in that moment and enjoy what the now. Like Turkey and Gravy.

As for "If you don’t Like Martinis, Try Anchovies…"Dad said this to me yesterday, while we were discussing Capelin (Tiny Fish from Newfie) and how they didn’t taste very good – he used this expression and indicated that after anchovies anything would taste good - he makes a good point, he usually does...


awareness said...

Jack Handey would be proud of your deep thought........unfortunately he wouldn't get it because it truly is a deep thought.

You're right Mr. Maddish Mac, dad of baby Mac, hubby of Mrs Mac.....

To think I've been sucking on Anchovies all this time and there was a Martini waiting for me to sip on.

I am grateful too for all the small important things in my life and the big important people......too.

Great post.

Anonymous said...

Ahem! Hold on there. So dad says "that after anchovies anything would taste good". I beg to differ and say that 'eating anchovies alone or in food makes anything taste good'. He he! I only hope your dad hasn't influenced your thoughts too much...