Thursday, February 01, 2007

The "Gap"...

The Gap I speak of is not that excellent clothing store in Moncton, but it is the excellent feature that many of us Macs share between our front teeth. Big Jim once said "you can always trust a gap toothed man" - I agree with Jim and by the looks of it we'll be able to trust Sophie, not that we wouldn't anyways - but it does give us some extra reassurance.

What an odd thing to see yourself in someone else - to know that they are an extension of you, and that you are an extension of your parents and so on, back to the beginning - this leaves me a feeling of connectedness. Which is nice, because some days I feel so disconected from all the awful things that are happening in our world, and to our world - then I get to look at the lovely little Sophie as she falls asleep in my arms, and I'm left with a feeling that things will somehow be alright...

1 comment:

awareness said...

The Kerr side of this family also have "the gap"......... doesn't look like either inherited it.

I know what you mean about connectiveness........when I see Max walking behind his Dad......they are in unison with the same lope. Many times, when I'm listening and looking at Martha, I get chills because it feels like I'm looking into a mirror.