Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sick as a Dog...

Since Superbowl Sunday Morning I've felt like crap (even more after the Bears lost) - This expression jumped into my mind, so I started thinking about it - when dogs get sick they eat grass, throw up, eat the throw up and throw up again, I'm not that sick - but I do have a sore throat, a headache and a fever - and luckily so do Nic and Sophie - we are a bunch of Sickies here this week - So sick in fact that on Wednesday poor little Sophs was diagnosed with Impetigo and put on antibotics - while whatever this virus is hit Nic the hardest on Saturday - Daddy was left to care for his sick girls which he did with pleasure - this does explain the lack of Blog Postings - and I apoligise - so back to this expression

- I was also led to think about another of dad's expressions,
"Half Chicken, Half Pig" … We never had dogs growing up, we had these Hybrid Creatures – that Malcolm lovingly referred to as Half Chicken, Half Pig – because they we’re afraid of everything,but they’d eat anything.and we had lots of them – When I was born my parents got a dog as a gift – they called him Nick Danger, a black Lab, he was a great dog - slept in the doorway of my bedroom to keep out the baddies – then there was Tug, a Huge Newfoundlander – who belonged to my Grandparents, he would share his Dog house in Oromocto with my cousins and myself whenever we came to visit – then Maxine (originally Max) , then Raggs and Zoe - we got these guys and thier sister Skye - who lived with Brian and Brenda in Moncton when I was in grade 12 – My parents now have Hannah and Lady and we have our own Hybrid Creatures – Simon and Max.

There's nothing better than having a couple of these wonderful creatures around on these cold Winter days - they make a great blanket - but that's a different expression and 2/3's of a band.

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