Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I May Have Been Born Yesterday, But I Wasn't Born at a Quarter to Six this Morning...

Dad always says this about being gullible, but not stupid. Kinda like the fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me thing. Yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on NYC and the Pentagon- I can't believe it's been 5 years, on that day I was stuck outside as the Feds were on strike and put up a picket line that we weren't allowed to cross, so we got vague reports of these accidents/attacks on the street - when we finally got into the building the everyone was glued to the computers seeking out info on what was actually going on. it was only 11 years prior, after I finished writing my last exam @ FHS in the spring of 1989, Mal, Red, Ferg, Gerry and I drove down to NYC, and we were actually up on the top of the WTC, so watching as those ginormous towers disintergrate was overwhelming.

The world is alot more wary these days, not as accepting, quicker to judge - these acts of unimaginable horror changed the way that alot of people think of our world, which is a shame, on the other hand we discovered there are real life superheros that day. That's what I try to remember, the amazing people that did what they had to do to get through what they had to get through, I mourn for those that lost their lives and pray for the ones they left behind, but mostly I hope for a better tomorrow.

In actual fact the only difference in my day to day life is that I have a security tag to get into work (which I forget at least two days a week) , Gas is more expensive and I have friends on the other side of the world trying to make the world a better place by helping to rebuld and bring peace to a region of the world, that hasn't enjoyed it in centuries.

Yesterday was also Awareness' birthday, but on that fateful day she proclaimed that she was going to change her birthday to the 12th, but if you ask her she was actually born yesterday... (and no one will ever forget her birthday again)

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