Monday, July 31, 2006

Build a Bridge...

This is an expression that I heard a long time ago, from a Newfie friend of mine - Malcolm has also used it on occasion -and it often creeps back into my thoughts.

I see people all the time that are dealing with things long past (or from their past), and they often don't even realise it - this is where one would use the Phrase "Build a Bridge, and get over it" - It doesn't work that easily and it's alot easier to say than live - but if you don't know that you should try to get to the other side, why would you bother trying.

Everybody has "hang ups" or "Triggers" they are the things that get their blood boiling and spur them on to acting the way that they do. I've been working on figuring out what sets me off (Turns out that I have an over developed competative nature), so that I know when it happens, and I am able to control myself. Not the fact that I am triggered, but how I react once triggered - you are only able to control how you react once you realise that you are reacting or something like that?

I guess in building a bridge you are alot like that famous Chicken or Frogger(Originally posted rabbit) that is crossing the road - you are simply trying to get to the other side...

1 comment:

awareness said...

Gee.......I think it's a chicken, isn't it? Well, maybe a rabbit trying to get across too. :)

I like this saying. It's very applicable to everyone, but definately usable (with the right tone) with our clients. "Let's look at building a bridge to get over that......"

May have to borrow Malcolm's saying. Hope he isn't triggered over that. If he is, tell him to head over to Home Depot for some supplies to build a bridge and I'll help him construct it.

Hey, are there any bridges worth jumping off of and into a cool inviting pool of water? It's hot as blazes here!