Sunday, July 02, 2006

Captain Canada...

Captain Canada - Circa 1996

So today is Canada Day, The GST got reduced, Gas got regulated (and went up5.54 cents) and all around our great nation the Red and White were flying proudly -

it was Sophie's first Canada day and to celebrate we went to the nation's biggest block party on the Green - what madness - it was like someone tried to jam the Frex, a Gong Show and 50000 people into a small box. We snuck away before the parade - but there were a ton of people that showed up for that very reason.

We then went to Boston Pizza for Supper and came home to feed and put Sophs to bed after a long day of being patriotic - the whole crew was exhauted and we all hit the hay at 8:30 pm - luckily the guy next door decided to mow his debris strew backyard at 9pm so sophie had a nap rather than a sleep - after I fed her we went to see the fireworks. We drove the bridges and the number of people was staggering - people actually parked on the bridge, and shut down one lane. I've always loved fireworks - years ago I can remember going to Tractors and Equipement, and watching the fireworks that were being launched from the raceway - It was very loud and Meghan didn't enjoy them, but Si and I sure did.

So Sophie had a great day - tomorrow we Pressure wash the house and the decks an eagerly await news of another historic Spruce win.

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