Saturday, March 04, 2006

Rooster Dink Pink...

One of Malcolm's more colourful expressions - pun intented - he uses this to describe things that are very pink - I haven't checked out any rooster's - so I'll just take Malcolm's word for it.

Speaking of pink - I didn't know there were that many pink clothes out there, we have them all now, as far as I can figure - we had three wonderful baby showers - and your young one is coming into the world with all the bling out there - so thank you to everyone - very generous and deeply appreciated.

I really like the fact that dad was so colurful in his use of language - he's also on occasion been accused of using colourful language, but that's not what I'm talking about here -it's his abilty to turn the everyday things, into an event, or a joke or whatever - it has in turn made my life a little more colourful than it might have been.

Awareness ( a co -worker and I were discussing what it was to be a maritimer - and one colourful language is definately part of it, but the thing that she said that struck me was "authentic modesty" - never thought of it before but I think she's right on - we are quick to accept blame, but never to anxious to accept the credit, rather we credit those around us - that's why I love to live where I do. That and the weather, why not 10 minutes ago it was snowing and now there is blinding sun - as the guy at the movie store punned yesterday - hey it's the maritimes - sooner or later it's porn (poring) -

anyways - back to pink - I'm sure that this colour will play a big part in my life and that of my child at least between months 3-6 because that's almost all we've got, so boy or girl they'll be wearing that Rooster dink colour...


awareness said...

Hey Mad Mac.

Thanks for the kudos! However, I can't imagine EVER running up a list as long as your Dad's of colourful phrases.......sayings that I'm sure win the hearts and guffaws of everyone sitting around the Sunday dinner table!
How's that for a Maritimer response.

Oh, and please pass the rooster dink pink casserole and the popcorn farts.

Unknown said...

In our house my Husband calls it "Rooster Dink Pink With Lime Green Trim". We use this color description at least once a month. He got the color description from an old colleague of his more than 30 years ago.

Today I came across this blog entry after googling the colour as we discussed what colour my next set of solar nails should be. Thanks for the laugh today. It was a true surprise to know that we are not the only ones who know about this colour option.