Friday, February 17, 2006

Busier Than a One Armed Paper Hanger...

Now this expression conjures up quite a picture - The poor dude would have to somehow hold the paper up, with one arm, and spread the glue quickly with that same arm. anyways it's busy...

I got to thinking about this as I am quite busy these days myself, we're awaiting the baby, I'm the Chair of Advertising and Promotions for the Fredericton Youth Services Partnership youth Forum (May 4th at the Market - Be There) I'm starting to do presentations for the Esteem Team (March 1st at Devon Middle School), we're fundraising for our Rugby Club's trip to the national championship and I work ... If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger - isn't that what they say?

Being busy is good, being stressed out is useless - you can only do what you can do, write it down, make it happen, rinse, repeat. Being stressed actually takes up the time that you claim you don't have - so when you feel like a one legged midget in an ass kicking contest (Not my dad's, but a great expression) take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand, it sounds easier than it actually is, but if you don't think about the other things you have to do the thing you are doing at that moment seems quite do able. Someone asked me once "How would you eat an elephant" - I thought about it and said "One Bite at a time - Barbequed"

Have a great weekend - if you see someone in need, lend them a hand...

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