Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Like a Turd From a Tall Cow's Ass...

This is one of Dad's most favorite expressions, he said that he first heard it in relation to one guy on the Miramichi taking a punch in the face and then returning the favour by punching that guy back in the head, at which time he fell... and the rest is his story. This is one of those good mental picture Malcolmisms - you can picture a tall cow, who must have long legs, otherwise it would be a long cow, doing his duty (Pun intended) in a field somewhere and almost hear the noise that it makes as it hits the ground.

This expression is a hard one to use very often, because frankly how often do you hear that noise? That being said - the sidelines at a rugby park may be one of the best places to hang out if you would fancy using this expression - because at least once a game someone get hit and they hit the ground - I've actually heard that noise during the game.

Have a great Tuesday, stay away from those tall cows, or watch where you walk,

Yeah, that's right. Turd Ferguson. It's a funny name...

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