Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Trip's a Trip...

What an odd thing to say - and dad says it lots - I used to think that it was some kind of Hippie slogan that Malcolm hung on to from the late sixties - but what it really means is "to each their own" - people will almost always do the best they can with what they have - and your trip is not better or worse than someone else's - it's just different.

I guess that this would be dad's lesson on tolerance and acceptance all rolled into one. While everyone has a different trip, the start and end points are the same - we are all born and we all die. How cool is that, not the dying part, but the shared experience part, the common ground that we share with everyone, not that you'll remember your birth, or you'll forsee you end - but that you came from the same place and you'll go to the same place.

What makes one "trip" better than another - nothing.

"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself" Max Ehrmann said this in 1927 - it's stands true today - it's on a poster in my office, I really like it, not for that line but for the way he wraps it all up "Strive to be happy." everyone has a different trip - that's not important, what is important is to enjoy your own trip and let others enjoy (or not enjoy) theirs.

A Trip's a Trip, and I'm definately enjoying mine...

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