Thursday, February 02, 2006

Forget the Losses, Exaggerate the Wins...

Dad always said this about rugby, but after thinking about it for awhile - I took something new from it.

This week there has been a couple of big losses, two untimely deaths - men taken in the prime of life - and after attending the first funeral of the week yesterday - I thought of the loss that the family and friends were going through and my heart goes out to them, but my memories of these men were extrodinary - Those are the victories, the positives that we can take away, the funny stories, the warm smiles, the fantastic laughter.

The celebration of a life well lived is what I will be attending tonight - Just as Dick would have wanted it- to be surrounded by the people he loved and that loved him in return.

The Power of Positive thinking is incredible - If we are always looking towards the bright side - it makes that darkness at your back far more bearable. Looking past the storm to the sunrise, and seeing the beauty in both.

I think that each of us passes away to our own heaven - or at least I hope so - I know Brian is sitting on top of the Green Monster at Fenway waiting for Summer with a Schooner in hand while Dick is somewhere on the Nashwaak having fun being silly smiling-

So here's to Brian and Dick and two lives well lived...

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