Tuesday, January 10, 2006

and If My Aunt Had Nuts She'd be my Uncle...

Now at first glance this seems like a very odd thing to say, and as a youth I would laugh and go on my way, most likely repeating it to myself and probably thinking how crazy my dad was.

Low and behold the gem of wisdom that was actually being passed along - responsibility for your actions. It seems a little crazy to me that people blame other people for what happens to them, and try to come up with "good" excuses, when in fact there are no "good" excuses, or "bad" excuses - there are simply excuses.Don't make excuses - take responsibility and exert your power to be the one would is dealing with their own life or be the victim, an innocent that lets things happen to them - it's your choice; it's not much of a choice, but it's yours.

What got me thinking about this was last night's federal election debate - I only watched a bit of it, all the spinning makes me sick, but there was lots of blaming and accusing and not too much of anything special for your average Canadian. No one was taking any blame for anything. One of my colleagues commented that the best thing that could probably happen would be a conservative minority - that way the grits would have a leadership conference - Mckenna would win and New Brunswick would prosper.

If my dad hadn't taught me these life lesson so early in life maybe they wouldn't have sunk in and maybe I wouldn't have a wife, a house, two dogs and a baby on the way... but then again if my aunt had nuts she'd be my uncle...

thanks Dad.

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