Monday, January 09, 2006

Keep 'Er Between the Posts...

I've heard this expression ever since I got my Licence in grade 10 - I would ask for the car, dad would ask where I was going? I'd say "out" - dad would ask when I'd be back, I'd say "Later" then dad would say "no" - I'd then provide him with tangible answers and then he'd let me take the car out, with the seemily glib word of advice "Keep 'Er Between the posts".

Now at 16 - I took this to be a straight forward, direct order meaning to keep the car on the road and between the light poles - I was reminded of this expression earlier today when I uttered it to myself as I was driving behind a gentleman that would jump on the brakes and swerve onto the shoulder everytime a transport truck drove by him in the opposite direction - in fairness it was snowing quite hard and he was likely from Minto (just joking) - but this expression jumped into my head - I thought about it a bit and pondered it's deeper meaning - was dad giving me subtle life lessons - was he trying to impart some goal setting skills? Staying on track to a goal is very important and everyday in my work I see what happens when people get off track - so maybe he was trying to keep me on the road, or maybe he was just talking about kicking for points in rugby: Either way it's always better to be between the posts.

Speaking about keeping 'Er between the posts - my lifelong best friend Simon has recently gone back to school to complete his degree, this is fantastic and I'm very proud of him. Goes to show that the road is wider than you'd think and that sometimes there is a great distance between the posts.

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