Friday, January 20, 2006

I'd Rather have a Bottle in Front of Me, than a Frontal Lobotomy...

This is a very fitting Friday quote - When I was young I would repeat this, simply because it was fun to say - never realising the implications to alchohol - or even wondering what a lobotmy was - it just rolls off the tongue and was good word play (the second lowest form of humour).

So when I finally came to the realization that it was about drinking - and a Brain Operation involving an ice pick that is inserted though yourt eye sockets, and severing the prefrontal cortex from the rest of the brain - I think that I almost rather do anything than let this happen - it was a treatment for those deemed to be too agressive, psychotic or criminally insane. Ironically the guy who came up with the procedure was shot to death by one of his patients - it only works in 1/3 of the cases, with symptoms getting worse in 1/3 of the cases and the final 1/3 of people have nothing to show for their efforts except a headache (I'm assuming) and some awful memories.

I once heard that God invented beer to stop Props (Rugby Position) from taking over the world - maybe beer is the liquid lobotmy then - because some people get slow, others get crazy and others don't seem to change at all, maybe they were just drunk to begin with...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scotty, these are friggin' brilliant, but this might be one of the best...maybe because we don't hear it much...bring back the frontal lobotomy...and I think the person being drunk to start might be Izzy!!